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Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons In Life

Just do it

  • Believe It Can Be Done
  • Have Goals
  • Live Life to Full
  • Never Give Up
  • Prepare Well
  • Have Faith in Yourself
  • Help Each Other

Whatever your goal is you will never succeed unless you let go of your fears and fly.

Have fun

  • Have Fun, Work Hard and Money Will Come
  • Don’t Waste Time - Grab Your Chances
  • Have a Positive Outlook On Life
  • When it’s Not Fun, Move On

Sometimes, you are just glad to have a job - any job. So you grab the job in the factory or the store or the call center. You might hate it, but you try to make the best of things. But is that fun? I would say do you really have to stay stuck in a rut? Is that job you hate really your only option? Whoever you are, you have other choices. Look around. See what else you can do.

Be bold

  • Calculate the Risks and Take Them
  • Believe in Yourself
  • Chase Your Dreams and Goals
  • Have No Regrets (Never look back. You can’t change the past. Learn from it)
  • Be Bold (don’t be foolish and don’t gamble on things you cannot control)
  • Keep Your Word

Challenge yourself

  • Aim high
  • Try New Things
  • Always Try
  • Challenge Yourself

Stand on your own feet

  • Rely on Yourself
  • Chase your Dreams but Live in the Real World
  • Work Together

If you want milk, don’t sit on a stool in the middle of the field in the hope that the cow will back up you

Live the moment

  • Love Life and Live It To The full
  • Enjoy the Moment
  • Reflect on your Life
  • Make Every Second Count
  • Don’t Have Regrets

Hard-won things are more valuable than those that come too easily

Regrets weigh you down. They hold you back in the past when you should move on.

Always living in the future can slow us down as much as always looking behind. Many people are always looking ahead and they never seem content. They look for quick fixes, like winning the lottery

Value family and friends

  • Put the Family and the Team First (We all need a strong support network)
  • Be Loyal
  • Face Problems Head On (best to bring things out into the open)
  • Money is for Making Things Happen
  • Pick the Right People and Reward Talent (Even if someone is hired to do one thing, if they have good ideas, or can handle something else, just let them do it)

Have respect

Respect is about how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress.

  • Be Polite and Respectful
  • Do the Right Thing
  • Keep Your Good Name (You could be rich, but if people didn’t trust you, it counted for nothing. Your reputation is everything)
  • Be Fair in All Your Dealings

Do some good

  • Change the World, Even if in a Small Way
  • Make a Difference and Help Others
  • Do No Harm
  • Always Think What You Can Do To Help

People in business and the very wealthy are in a unique position. They can connect with everyone, whether high or low, in any country, though a network of good will.